Horse and Pony Breeds
This page is a page of horse and pony breeds. Please keep this page in alphabetical order!
- Breeds
- Abtenaur horse
- Aegidienberger
- Akhal-Teke
- Albanian horse
- Altai Horse
- Altar Real Horse
- American Albino
- American Cream and White
- American Cream Draft
- American Paint Horse
- American Quarter Horse
- American Saddlebred
- American Spotted Paso
- American Warmblood
- Andalusian horse
- Andravida
- Anglo-Arabian
- Anglo Arab French
- Anglo Arab Spanish
- Anglo Karbada
- Anglo Norman
- Appaloosa
- Arappaloosa
- Arabian horse
- Arab-Persian
- Aralusian
- Ardennes horse
- Aresian
- Argentine Criollo
- Asian Wild
- Assateague
- Asturcon
- Australian Brumby
- Australian Stock Horse
- Auxois
- Aveligrese
- Azerbaijan
- Azores
- Azteca
- Baise
- Baleraric
- Balikun horse
- Baluchi Horse
- Ban-ei
- Banker horse
- Barb horse
- Bashkir
- Bashkir Curly
- Basque
- Batak
- Baudet de Poitou
- Bavarian Warmblood
- Beberbeck
- Beetewk
- Belgian Horse
- Belgian Brabant
- Belgian Draft Horse
- Belgian Warmblood
- Bhutia horse
- Bitjug
- Black Forest
- Boer
- Bosniak
- Bosnian horse
- Boulonnais
- Brabant horse
- Brandenburger
- Brazilian Sport Horse
- Breton Horse
- Breton Draft
- Brindle
- Brumby
- Budyonny horse
- Bulgarian
- Buohai horse
- Buryat horse
- Byelorussian Harness
- Calabrese horse
- Camargue horse
- Campolina
- Canadian horse
- Canadian Cutting Horse
- Cape Horse
- Carolina Marsh Tacky
- Carthusian horse
- Caspian horse
- Chilean Horse
- Chilote horse
- Cleveland Bay
- Clydesdale horse
- Colonial Spanish
- Colorado Ranger
- Comtois Horse
- Criollo Horse
- Danish Warmblood
- Deliboz
- Dole Gudbrandsdal
- Dutch Warmblood
- East Bulgarian
- East Friesian Horse
- Falabella horse
- Finnhorse
- Fleuve
- Fjord horse
- Florida Cracker horse
- Fouta
- Frederiksborg
- Freiberger
- Friesian horse
- Galiceno
- Gelderland horse
- Groningen horse
- Gypsy Vanner horse
- Hackney horse
- Haflinger horse
- Hanoverian horse
- Heck horse
- Holsteiner
- Hungarian Warmblood
- Iberian horse
- Icelandinc horse
- Irish Draught
- Irish Hunter
- Italian Heavy Draft
- Jutland horse
- Kabardian horse
- Karabakh horse
- Kathiawari horse
- Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse
- Kiger Mustang
- Kisber Felver
- Kladruber
- Kinsky-horse
- Knabstrup
- Konik
- Kustanair
- Latvian Harness Horse
- Lipizzaner
- Lithuanian Heavy Draft
- Lokai
- Losino
- Lusitano
- Malapolski
- Manades
- Mangalarga Marchador
- Maremmana
- Marwari horse
- Masuren
- M'Bayar
- Mecklenburg
- Messara
- Mezőhegyesi sport-horse (sportló)
- Mongolian horse
- Miniature Horse
- Missouri Fox Trotter
- Mongolian Wild Horse
- Montana Travler
- Morab
- Moroccan Barb
- Morgan horse
- Mountain Pleasure Horse
- Moyle horse
- Mullassier
- Mustang
- Muraközi horse
- Murgese
- Nanfan
- National Show Horse
- National Spotted Saddle Horse
- Nez Perce horse
- Nokota horse
- Nonius
- Nordlandshest
- Norfolk Roadster
- Noriker horse
- Norman
- North American Single Footing
- North Swedish
- North Swedish Trotter
- Northeastern
- Novokirghiz
- Old English Black
- Oldenburg horse
- Orlov Trotter
- Paltlavan
- Pantaneiro
- Paso Fino
- Percheron
- Peruvian Paso
- Peruvian Paso Percheron
- Persian
- Persian Arab
- Plateau
- Pleven horse
- Pintabian
- Pinzgauer horse
- Poitevin
- Poitou
- Polish Arabian
- Polish Draft
- Przewalski's horse
- Pyrenean Tarpan
- Qatgani
- Quarab
- Racking Horse
- Rhenish-German Cold-Blood
- Rhenish German Warmblood
- Rhinelander
- Riwoche
- Rocky Mountain Horse
- Russian Don
- Russian Heavy Draft
- Russian Trotter
- Salerno horse
- Sanhe
- Sandalwood
- San Fratello horse
- Sardinian horse
- Schleswig-Holstein
- Schleswiger Heavy Draft
- Schwarzwälder Fuchs
- Selle Francais
- Shire horse
- Shagya Arabian
- Shan
- Sicilian
- Single Footing Horse
- Skogruss
- Sorraia
- Sokolsky horse
- South German
- Soviet Heavy Draft
- Spanish Barb
- Spanish Mustang
- Spanish Norman
- Spotted Draft Horse
- Spotted Saddle Horse
- Standardbred
- Sudan Country-Bred
- Suffolk Punch
- Sumba
- Swedish Ardennes
- Swedish Half Bred
- Swedish Riding horse
- Swedish Warmblood
- Swiss Warmblood
- Taishu
- Tawleed
- Tchenarani
- Tennessee Walker
- Tennuvian
- Tersk
- Thessalian
- Thoroughbred
- Tiger Horse
- Tori
- Trait Du Nord
- Trakehner
- Turkoman horse
- Ukrainian Riding Horse
- Vlaampard
- Vladimir Heavy Draft
- Vyatka
- Waler Horse
- Walkaloosa
- Welsh Pony
- Westphalian horse
- Wielkopolski
- Windsor Grey
- Württemberger
- Xilingol
- Yili horse
- Zazakii
- Zhemaichu
- Zorse
- Zweibruecken
- Breeds
- Abyssinian Pony
- Achetta Pony
- American Gaited Pony
- American Miniature Pon
- American Shetland Pony
- American Quarter Pony
- American Walking Pony
- Ariegeois
- Asturian Pony
- Australian Pony
- Avelignese Pony
- Balearic Pony
- Bali Pony
- Banker Pony
- Bardigiano Pony
- Bashkirskj Pony
- Basotho Pony
- Bhatak Pony
- Bhirum Pony
- Bhotia Pony
- Bosnian Pony
- British Spotted Pony
- Burma Pony
- Camargue Pony
- Carpathian Pony
- Caspian Pony
- Cayuse Indian Pony
- Cheju Pony
- Chicasaw Pony
- Chincoteague Pony
- Chinese Pony
- Connemara Pony
- Dales Pony
- Dartmoor Pony
- Dole Pony
- Dulmen Pony
- Dutch Riding Pony
- English Riding Pony
- Eriskay Pony
- Esperia Pony
- Exmoor Pony
- Faeroes Pony
- Falabella Pony
page revision: 22, last edited: 17 Jun 2009 17:31