Appaloosa Coloring

There are a group of coat patterns caused by the dominant leopard gene complex. It should be noted that not every horse with the leopard gene will exhibit hair coat spotting. However, even solid individuals will exhibit 'characteristics' such as vertically striped hooves, mottles skin around the eyes, lips, and genitalia, plus a white scelera of the eye. There are several distinct leopard patterns:

5032_256.jpg Blanket: white over the hip that may extend from the tail to the base of the neck. The spots inside the blanket (if present) are the same color as the horse's base coat.
roanapp.jpg Varnish roan: a mix of body and white hairs that extends over the entire body—no relation to true roan
snowflake.jpg Snowflake: white spots on a dark body. Typically the white spots increase in number and size as the horse ages.
leopsmspots.jpg Leopard: dark spots of varying sizes over a white body
06cp-cherrypeavy2.jpg Few spot leopard: a nearly white [[[horse]] from birth that retains colour just above the hooves, the knees, 'armpits', mane and tail, wind pipe, and face
basicsColorsAppyFrost1.jpg Frost: similar to varnish but the white hairs are limited to the back, loins, and neck

Several breeds of horse can boast leopard-spotted (a term used collectively for all patterns) individuals including the Knabstrup, Noriker, and most famously, the Appaloosa.

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